
Meridith Elliott Powell

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Meridith Elliott Powell

February 10 @ 8:30 am - 2:00 pm

Sales Redefined: Dominate, Differentiate, Deliver

Meridith PowellUncertainty changes everything –customers, competition, and decision-makers. It’s time to update your approach to sales – from how you get through the door – to how you get the deal to close.

It’s challenging out there – a challenge to get above the white noise. A challenge to get to the decision-makers. A challenge to stand out from the competition. And a challenge to stay motivated.


Because sales has gone through a major disruption. If you’re still using traditional techniques, then you’re making sales so much harder than it has to be. To succeed, you need to evolve.

You need to transform how you attract clients – build your reputation – engage with the marketplace – and get results. Join us for this high-energy, highly interactive, and high-powered keynote where business growth strategist and keynote speaker Meridith Elliott Powell shares the innovative techniques you need to dominate, differentiate and deliver!

Key Takeaways:

  • Deep understanding of how your marketplace has changed – and how those shifts are impacting decision making, pricing and sales strategy.
  • Innovative techniques that get the doors to open and put you in front of the right decision-makers.
  • Powerful ideas you need to ask the right questions, that shorten that sales cycle and increase your close ratio.
  • Cutting-edge strategies to that help you build credibility and trust quickly, and help you maximize client facing time.
  • Proven strategies to prominently position you in the marketplace making it easier for clients to choose you over the competition.
  • Your personal strategy to Dominate, Differentiate, and Deliver

Meet Meridith

Voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts, Top 100 Sales Influencers by LinkedIn, and Top 41 Motivational Speakers. Meridith Elliott Powell is an award-winning author, keynote speaker and business strategist. With a background in corporate leadership and sales, her career expands over several industries including financial services, healthcare and finance.

Meridith worked her way up from entry-level to earn her position in the C-Suite. Writing and executing strategy to help leaders master uncertainty, achieve growth and build talent at every level of their organizations.

She has been inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame, an honor bestowed on less than one-percent of professional speakers, incoming Chair of the National Speakers Association, A Master Certified Business Growth Strategist, A Certified Executive Coach and Certified Speaking Professional. In addition, Meridith is an invitation-only author for LinkedIn with more than 750,000 learners taking her business growth courses around the world.

With a passion for helping her clients learn the strategies they need to turn uncertainty to competitive advantage. Meridith has a cutting-edge message, rooted in real-life examples and real-world knowledge. She is the author of nine books, including “THRIVE: Turning Uncertainty to Competitive Advantage” and Who Comes Next? Leadership Succession Planning Made Easy, written with Dr. Mary Kelly. Both books have won the top honors for the Benjamin Franklin Independent Books Sellers Award. One of the highest honors for business books.

Meridith is regularly featured in publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., Investment News, and American Banker among others. High energy and highly interactive, she helps leaders and business owners learn the new rules of success today, and the strategies they need to Thrive in Uncertainty. You can find her inspiring message and strategies on both of her podcasts: Sales Logic – the “logical” approach to selling successfully in challenging times, and THRIVE – where Meridith interviews leaders, sales professionals and business owners who have transformed their organizations to turn uncertainty to opportunity.

In her highly engaging keynote-speaking sessions, Meridith shares how you can think, feel and most importantly react to uncertainty, and the power of what you can do to start to control change rather than have change control you. Meridith shows her audiences how to attract more business, retain top talent, and leap into position to win in a constantly shifting marketplace.

Meridith always deliver practical solutions to businesses toughest challenges. No walking on coals, no breaking boards, just real-life strategies you can put into place first thing Monday morning.

When not coaching or keynoting, Meridith can be found on her favorite hiking trail, riding her mountain bike, or endlessly chasing little white golf balls on courses round the country.

Client Relationships CSP Accelerator with Marilyn Sherman

Marilyn Sherman sq 2020Marilyn Sherman, Founder of UpFront Presentations has dedicated her 25+ year career in motivating and inspiring audiences across the country. She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and author who is driven to move her audiences out of their comfort zone and into the front-row of their work and personal lives. Her engaging and fun personality makes Marilyn the perfect choice, even for audiences that are often hard to motivate. She is hired to engage audiences with stories of hope and inspiration along with practical tools to immediately implement when they leave the conference. Marilyn is best known for customizing her keynotes to each audience, with attendees often saying “She was speaking directly to me. I needed that message today.” She also often hears, “Wow, she is so much more than a motivational speaker!” Marilyn was inducted into the National Speaker Association’s CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, one of 182 members in the world who hold this designation. Marilyn is also the author of three motivational books including “Is There A Hole In Your Bucket List?“, “Whose Comfort Zone Are You In?”, and “Why Settle for the Balcony, how to get a Front-Row Seat in Life”. Marilyn lives in Las Vegas with her husband and travels quite a bit to keynote events, and also loves to be a local resource to the many conventions that are held in Las Vegas each year.


February 10
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Event Categories:


The International School of Hospitality (TISOH)
3614 E Sunset Rd #110 NV 89120 United States
View Venue Website

Network.Vegas is the Las Vegas Business Calendar.  Each event lists the organizer &  event website.  Event details may change without notice.  Check with event organizers regarding ticketing, eligibility to attend events and event details.

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