Your mentality will have a large role to play in your success. If you are not getting the results you want, in networking, in business, or just in general, resetting your mentality may help you to get back on track. It is key to remember that looking forward is necessary to achieving your goals. As challenging as it may be, looking backwards at how you could have done things differently may cause detriment to your success, so while it is important o learn from our mistakes, remember to focus on what is ahead and use these steps to get to where you want to go.
1. Mind, Set, Ready, Go!
What kind of mindset do you have, and how are you looking at things internally? It goes without saying that it is easy to be encouraging to others, but all to often, we cannot do the same for ourselves. It is natural to have an unhealthy internal dialogue, but if you are aware of your mindset, you are more likely to redirect it and get back on track. One way of doing this is the be a part of a group that has the same focus or ideals as what you want to achieve. Behavior is contagious, and a positive group will influence you between gatherings. Keep in mind that the reverse is also true, so be conscious of what type of company you keep to maintain a healthy mindset.
2. Setup Your Ideal Environment
Your environment will continue to feed into your success. Everyone has a different ideal environment. so make sure to choose wisely. Think about what type of items should be in your working environment, and choose at least two items that will help keep you focused. A picture of your family or favorite vacation spot is a great start. By having a visual reminder of what you are trying to accomplish, the work will seem more worth it.
3. Create an Approach Strategy
Now that you know where you want to go, and you have a good mindset to carry you there, you much consider an approach. Many people find it easier to get to a destination with a goal in mind. Now that you have one, work backwards to where you want to start, and the pieces in the middle will naturally fill themselves in. It will be easy enough to change the middle with a clear definition of where you want to end up and where you are starting.
4. Get Started
Now that everything is prepared get started immediately. Even if you only begin at the end of a day, you will not lose momentum by starting immediately. Remove the unhealthy mental excuses, and just do as much as you can. Remember, the goals you have are for yourself, and no one but yourself can be held accountable for achieving them. Surprise yourself by doing more, faster than you could have imagined by getting started immediately.
5. Stay on Track
Self motivation is a challenge, and to continue to motivate yourself, you should create a power word. Write it down and put it as your screen saver on your phone, on the front of your refrigerator, on the visor of your car, wherever you will see it often. The word you choose should have personal meaning to yourself. It should resonate with you and remind you of your goal. Keep the word for at least 6 months, and change it to match your new goals.
Repeat these steps often to keep mentally on track to achieving more.